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LG WT7305CW, One of the Best High-Capacity Top Load Washers (But I Still Don’t Recommend Them)

How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, hook them up in my store and run them at least 10 times until I get a feel for how they work. I do my own laundry in these machines to give a true “real world” test.The grading scale
My grading scale is 1-100, based on the following factors: 1. performance (20pts), 2. cost (20pts), 3. build quality (repairability), (20pts) 4. how long I think it will last. (20pts), 5. my general feelings towards the machine (20pts). Just for the record, I don’t believe any appliance will ever, ever get a score of 100. I don’t even think there will be any in the 90’s, but I guess we’ll see.The review:
Before I can review this machine I need you to understand my thought process: To me, there are three different “styles” of machines. 1. Basic, small capacity top loaders, 2. Large capacity top loaders, and 3. Front loaders. This washer falls in to the “large capacity top loader” section. Despite this category being one of the most popular here in America, it just so happens to be the worst choice when picking a washer.No matter how BIG you make the drum, basically ALL top load washers can only effectively wash about 18 pounds of laundry at a time. This washer is no exception. As a Customer you walk in to a big Appliance store, and you are instantly attracted to the biggest, shiniest washer. Most appliance manufacturers know this, and that is why there is somewhat of an “arms race” to get the largest tub. Larger tub= more sales, and NOT better cleaning. Nifty gimmicks like WiFi, little jingles, and faux chrome attract customers like moths to fire.So the bottom line is this: If you simply MUST buy a large capacity top load washer, this (or most LG’s) washer is the best performing machine in this category of washers.Performance:
It does work, and it actually delivers decent performance by any standard. It has the ability to use plenty of water and thus can be an effective washer if dialed in correctly.Cost
This washer has an MSRP of $949.Build Quality
LG generally speaking is a pretty decent quality Product. The fit & finish is nice, and overall the washer is somewhat pleasing to the eye. As with 99% of washers these days, it is made mostly of plastic and thin sheet metal.Longevity
These large tub style machines typically dont last long. It creates an incredible amount of force when spinning a huge tub like that at 1,000+ RPM. You would expect to get the typical 5-10 Years out of this washer before discarding it.Personal Opinion
Category | Score |
Performance | 10 |
Cost | 10 |
Build Quality | 12 |
Longevity | 10 |
Personal | 15 |
Total Score | 57 |
- Categorized: Appliances
2019 Speed Queen Washer TC5000WN AWN632SP116TW01
- Eugene Pallas
- May 20, 2019
- Comments: ( 77 )
Speed Queen, after their disastrous launch of the new TR series washer in 2018, have brought back their old style washer for 2019, the TC5000WN, or AWN632SP116TW01, aka, the Speed Queen Classic. It’s been mostly a quiet launch, no parades, not “best washer yet”, or “5% better”, it just quietly made it to the showroom floors of most Speed Queen Dealers. It’s not even on their website.
How I test them:
Because I am no longer a Speed Queen Dealer, I had to go to my (not so) local Speed Queen Dealer and plunk down $1039 for this thing. I have run more than 20 different loads on a variety of different cycles on this machine. Essentially nothing in my review is scientific in any way, just my expert opinion and observations.
The grading scale
The review:
Probably due to the tremendous amount of negative feedback from last year’s 2018 TR series machines, the “2017” style washer is magically back in their lineup. Speed Queen probably realized that no one was buying their “washes 5% better” crap, and quickly reversed course and brought back their tried and true legacy machine. Bringing this machine back is the best decision SQ has made in YEARS. Second best decision they made was to FIRE the engineers that designed the TR series washer (wink, wink, SQ, I know). The third best decision they COULD make is to publicly apologize for how they treated me last year. Read more about that HERE. Fourth would be to fire whoever is in charge of public relations for not calling me a year ago, or ever for that matter. I know it sounds like I am ranting, and I am, a little.
The “new” TC5000 is basically a 2017 SQ in disguise, but for some reason, not quite as good. Let me just say up front that this is overall a properly good washer, and better than most of the garbage out there today. That said, the TC5 does not have a water level switch, but will give you a full tub of water and a pretty vigorous agitation. Overall this is a good washer, and if you simply can’t bring yourself to buy the Maytag Commercial washer then I would say this is the next best thing.
Insane. I paid $1039 for this washer. Let’s just put things in perspective : this washer is almost identical to the “8 series” washer of 2017 which only sold for $899. The 2017 version also had more options than this one. This is flat out a cash grab by SQ. I can see their boardroom conversation going something like this: ” If they want the old style washer, F*#ck em’ make them pay through the nose for it. We need the money anyway”.
I have been in the appliance business for a long time, and I can tell you this washer is no thousand dollar washer. This is the part where they should fire the marketing guy at SQ. $999 Sounds a lot better than $1039. They priced it as such to make their TR series washer look like a better deal. The TR7 is only $50 more with 4 more years of warranty, the TR5 is $50 cheaper with 2 years more warranty, and the TR3 is $150 cheaper with the same warranty. This is all to catch some unsuspecting shopper in to buying their flop of a washer that is the TR.
Build quality
Nothing but praise here. This washer is built in just about the same way as the 2017 version, solid feeling components, heavy, although it seems to wash slightly different, I just cant put my finger on what has changed. The modern console design is appealing.
Generally speaking Speed Queen makes a very durable machine. It’s not that they last forever, it’s that they are very repairable. You can expect to service the belt on these washers every 5-7 years or so, and full rebuilds after 15 years.
Personal opinion:
I used to be a Speed Queen fan boy, and in a lot of ways I still am. When I was selling the Speed Queen line I was looking at these machines through rose colored glasses. The bottom line is this: This is a great performing washer that will likely have the same life span of previous SQ models of this type.
Performance | 12 |
Cost | 7 |
Build Quality | 19 |
Longevity | 18 |
Personal | 8 |
Total Score | 64 |
- Categorized: Appliances
- Tagged: 2017 speed queen, 2018 speed queen, 2019 speed queen, speed queen, speed queen classic, tc5, tc5000, tc5000wn
LG Top Load WT1901CW. Huge Capacity, and It Actually Works
I Feel like Im wasting my time reviewing this washer as it has been discontinued. I happen to still have a few left, and overall its a pretty nice washer.
How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, hook them up in my store and run them at least 10 times until I get a feel for how they work. I do my own laundry in these machines to give a true “real world” test. There is absolutely nothing scientific about my tests.The grading scale
My grading scale is 1-100, based on the following factors:1. performance (20pts) 2. cost (20pts) 3. build quality (repair-ability) (20pts) 4. how long I think it will last. (20pts) 5. My general feelings towards the machine (20pts)Just for the record, I don’t believe any appliance will ever, ever get a score of 100. I don’t even think there will be any in the 90’s, but I guess we’ll see.The review:
LG has really got me questioning my “I Hate washers with no agitator” stance. This machine, along woth the WT1501CW really impressed me with their ability to turn over a load of clothes, and actually get them clean. Im not going to say this is an amazing washer, but if you are looking for a huge capacity top loader with no agitator, LG makes one of the best.Performance:
Again, Its certainly not the best Ive tested, but if you MUST have a top load washer with a huge capacity and no agitator, this is one of the best.Cost
This washer has a MSRP of around $879, but most are selling in the $699 range. Pretty good value based on the performance it delivers.Build Quality
Nothing special, it is a typical foreign built appliance. It has a very simple design, making it very easy to service. It looks like its designed to last about 10 years, and not much more than that.Longevity
Nowadays, if you get more than 5 years out of a washer, you are lucky. Generally speaking the LG is longer lasting than a lot of other brands. That said, don’t expect to pass this washer on to your grandchildren. I would expect this washer to give you at least 7 years under normal circumstances, before its first repair.Personal Opinion
Category | Score |
Performance | 16 |
Cost | 12 |
Build Quality | 12 |
Longevity | 10 |
Personal | 15 |
Total Score | 65 |
- Categorized: Appliance Reviews, Appliances
- Tagged: lg, top load washer, wt1501c, wt1901
Maytag Commercial Top Load Washer MVWP575GW This is The Closest Thing To An Old School Washer I Have Ever Seen
- Eugene Pallas
- Oct 05, 2018
- Comments: ( 133 )
After the post-Speed Queen apocalypse, (read more about that HERE ), I found myself unable to sell ANY new washers to my customers. Thankfully I had the sense to stock up on 2017 model Speed Queens so I had some time to figure out a replacement. (sorry, all the 2017’s are sold) I found this washer and (most) of my prayers were answered.

How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, hook them up in my store and run them at least 10 times until I get a feel for how they work. I do my own laundry in these machines to give a true “real world” test.
The grading scale
My grading scale is 1-100, based on the following factors: 1. performance (20pts) 2. cost (20pts) 3. build quality (repair-ability) (20pts) 4. how long I think it will last. (20pts) 5. My general feelings towards the machine (20pts) Just for the record, I don’t believe any appliance will ever, ever get a score of 100. I don’t even think there will be any in the 90’s, but I guess we’ll see.
The review:
This washer blew me away when I first tested it. In the vast sea of crap washing machines, this little gem really shines. Never have I ever thought I would find a new washer that performs almost as well as my coveted vintage washers.
Maytag finally made something that is worthy of their name. Let me be up front: There are a lot of crap Maytag washers out there, but this one is not crap. In fact, its one of the best I have ever tested. It fills up all the way with water, it circulates the clothes properly, it rinses well. The Maytag Commercial actually cleans clothes… Imagine that.
This washer has a MSRP of around $879, but most are selling in the $799 range. Pretty good value based on the performance it delivers.
Build Quality
This part is going to be a bit tricky. This washer is relatively new, so there is not really enough data to come to a conclusion. It looks really well built, the panels feel stiff, like real metal kind of stiff. It doesnt look real fancy, although I find it to be very attractive. I guess its in the eye of the beholder.
Basically every part looks like one of their basic residential parts, just beefier.
The Maytag does come with a 5 YEAR parts and Labor warranty. This warranty comes directly from Maytag. Ive heard of a few reports of some washers being delivered “dead on arrival” but not really enough to make me feel concerned. At this time, I cant really say if it will be a reliable machine with 100% certainty, but I think it going to be a winner.
Personal Opinion
I was so pleased with how this washer performs that I started selling it in my store. This washer is not a huge capacity, nor is it particularly energy efficient. At 3.5 cubic feet, you can comfortably wash 6 full size bath towels with some room to spare. The Maytag will actually clean them, which is something of a rarity these days with washers. It will also do it in less than 3 hours. A typical cycle on the MT is about 40 minutes.
If you are at your wit’s end with washers that have poor performance, stink, leak, break down, and shake all over the place, Take a look at this Maytag. Im not saying “take a look at Maytag”, Im saying “take a look at THIS Maytag”. This particular model #MVWP575G is unlike all the rest of the Maytags.
Category | Score |
Performance | 19 |
Cost | 16 |
Build Quality | 18 |
Longevity | 17* (not sure) |
Personal | 19 |
Total Score | 89 |
Watch all the videos on this washer HERE
- Categorized: Appliances
LG Dryer DLE1501W Electric Dryer Review – This Dryer is MAGIC
- Eugene Pallas
- Oct 05, 2018
- Comments: ( 2 )

The LG dryer that I tested was the DLE1501W. I had it mated with the WT1501CW. The review for that washer is HERE. This LG dryer is a near EXACT copy of the word famous (amongst us service guys) Whirlpool 27″ D.O.T.T. dryer. Tried and true performance, easy to service. LG spiced it up with some electronic gizmos to really bring it in to the 21’st century. The very clever engineers at LG likely thought ” if it is’nt broke, why fix it?”
How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, take them home, and use them for at least 60 days, all the way up to 6+ months. I have children, and they get EVERYTHING dirty. Needless to say I have a never ending supply of dirty laundry.
The grading scale
The review:
MAGIC. Its like there are little gnomes in there making sure everything goes as planned. I dried my king size comforter in this dryer AND I DID NOT HAVE TO STOP IT MID WAY TO RE SHUFFLE THE COMFORTER AROUND. It was just dry after the timer was up.
Dryers generally perform 3 basic functions: tumble, heat, and air flow. The trick to a good dryer is getting the perfect combination of the three. Too much heat and you burn your clothes, too much airflow is a waste of energy, and tumbling speed affects circulation. This LG basically nails it in every way.
MSRP of $799, but you can typically find them for around $550 or so. It’s neither expensive nor inexpensive.
Build Quality
LG is totally respectable when it comes to quality. They basically copied an old Whirlpool dryer that was proven, and made it a bit better with electronics and such. The result is a more precise drying experience.
It’s almost comical that I can basically tell my customers in advance when their LG dryer is going to break. Weak points on LG (as with most dryers) are belt, heating element, drum supports. You should expect to get 7 or so years before its first breakdown, and about another 7 years after that. The key to making a dryer last a long time is to regularly clean the lint trap and the exhaust ducting.
Personal Opinion
I consider myself to be a kind of all Americn type of person. I shop local, mostly a small businesses, and I like to buy american made products. The only thing that is more important to me is buying a QUALITY product. LG makes a great product and quite simply, the american companies are just playing catch up. I would much rather buy an all American product, but until we make something better than LG, LG will continue to gain market share.
Category | Score |
Performance | 16 |
Cost | 10 |
Build Quality | 15 |
Longevity | 14 |
Personal | 15 |
Total Score | 70 |
- Categorized: Appliances
- Eugene Pallas
- Mar 07, 2018
- Comments: ( 145 )
Speed Queen completely redesigned their top load washer for 2018. It is really different fom the previous generation. Really, really different.
Applicable models:
TR3000WN, TR5000WN, TR7000WN, AWNE9RSN115TW01
How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, take them home, and use them for anywhere between 60 days, and all the way up to 6+ months. I have children, and they get EVERYTHING dirty. Needless to say, I have a never-ending supply of dirty laundry. After my wife threatened me with divorce, I just started bringing my laundry to my shop for testing. That is how I tested this Speed Queen.
The grading scale
The review:
At first, I was very optomistic about the new design. The new washer does not agitate like a traditional top loader. The new Queen uses an “Agi-Tub” design, meaning that the agitator is physically bolted to the wash tub. During agitation, the spin basket and the agitator move as one single unit. This method has been tried many times in the past. Frigidaire came out with something back in the late 70’s, and again around 2012. Both of them failed miserably. The TR7 is a slightly different version of the same thing. It certainly performs better than the first two “Agi-Tubs”, but that is just about where it ends.
With small loads and flexible fabrics, this washer does OK. Not great, but OK. Its when you start doing full loads and stiffer fabrics that this machine basically falls flat on it’s face. I tried washing 5 pair of my fleece lined work pants, and I got zero “turnover” (clothes circulation), and worse, I wound up with soap stains on my pants after the load was complete. Thinking I made a mistake loading, or perhaps I tried the wrong cycle, I retried this same test 4 more times. My results were pretty consistent. I washed a variety of different loads, including whites (underwear and undershirts), shirts, pants, a queen set of sheets, a queen comforter, a load of hand towels, and more. 90% of the loads I tried were flat out unacceptable.
The bottom line…. This washer does not perform very well.
At around $1100, this washer is more expensive than the previous generation, and also more expensive than better performing models by other manufacturers.
Build Quality
I have nothing but praise here. This washer is the best built washer I have ever seen. It has very few moving parts, rock solid electronics, and a lot of heavy steel components.
I truly think this washer can last every bit of 15 years before needing any kind of service. Looking at the guts of this machine, I really can’t see any weak spot in the build. Im sure that SQ left no stone unturned here. Every part is over built, and nothing in this washer feels “cheap”. Time will tell.
Personal Opinion
Several months ago I started publishing full wash videos on my YouTube account. A lot of people wanted to actually see how the machine performs during a real wash cycle. I also started doing a type of “VLOG” review on machines I tested. After running many loads on the TR7, I decided that this was not a washer that I wanted to sell to my customers. Its really expensive, and it just couldn’t perform on the normal day-to-day cycles that I put it through. After publishing my video review on YouTube, I got a call from my distributor, who had recieved a call from the VP of marketing at Speed Queen. They did not like my less than glowing review of their new model, and they pulled my license to sell Speed Queen appliances. Within days, I was removed from their website, and I no longer had access to anything. I asked my distributor to have them call me directly, but to no avail. Thats it… with no reasoning or direct conversation from SQ.
Back to the washer. The bottom line is this: The washer costs $1100. For that kind of money it should perform well on a variety of different loads (all loads, if you ask me). This washer doesn’t. Yes, it will last a very, very long time. In fact, I would bet you will get rid of it long before it ever breaks. What good is a reliable washer if it doesn’t clean your clothes? I tested a $300 washer that cleaned way better. If you wash a few items at a time, and use plenty of soap with extra rinse, you may have decent results with this machine. For normal people (like me) who just need to put some laundry in and have it come out clean, this washer wont deliver.
Category | Score |
Performance | 3 |
Cost | 7 |
Build Quality | 19 |
Longevity | 19 |
Personal | 0 |
Total Score | 48 |
- Categorized: Appliances
LG Washer WT1501CW Top Load Washer Review
- Eugene Pallas
- Aug 24, 2017
- Comments: ( 3 )
I recently had the LG WT1501CW in my home for about 90 days. My first impression on this machine was “what a turd”. As with all HE top load washers, the LG struggles to remove lint, or even clean for that matter. Sure, it has a huge basket -4.5 cubic feet, but whats the point if it can’t clean anything? Another small issue, my wife is 5, 7″, and she stuggled to reach the bottom of the wash basket. I really liked the up front controls, but found it to be not super user friendly.
How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, take them home, and use them for at least 60 days, all the way up to 6+ months. I have children, and they get EVERYTHING dirty. Needless to say I have a never ending supply of dirty laundry.
The grading scale
The review:
Despite my initial misgivings about this machine, I ended up kind of liking it. I certainly was not sad to see it go, but the WT1501CW ended up really impressing me. Once I found the correct cycles, the washer actually performed quite well despite it being a “cheaper” washer.
Im just going to spill the beans: The LG pretty much sucks in every way until you press the WATER PLUS button. Then it becomes, well, kind of great! Pre WP (water plus) discovery, I would have given this washer the lowest possible score. After WP, it actually washes pretty well. I still noticed some lint not being removed, but somewhat tolerable. Spin speed is super fast, your clothes are practically dry when finished. The LG is also pretty quiet while running.
The price of this machine varies wildly depending on if it is on sale or not. You can expect to find it for around $599 or so. This makes it one of the cheapest I have reviewed so far.
Build quality
The LG feels solidly built, the lid has some weight to it (in a good way). Mechanically, it uses the mostly reliable system they use on their front loaders. I have heard several instances where the main spin bearing went bad, effectively making the machine garbage. The problem with this machine, and all sub$750 machines is that the first break down will typically cost 1/3rd or more of the value of the machine. This washer should really never be fixed, unless you plaan on fixing it yourself. Just throw it away when it breaks.
Its going to go one of two ways: either you got a bad one and it will be junk in less than 2 years, or if you got a good one it should give you about 5 ish years of trouble free service. A really well taken care of unit could possibly go as long as 8-10 years.
Personal opinion:
LG is my second favorite company right next to Speed Queen. They really produce a decent product that performs. LG customer service is friendly, and hold times are basically non existent. They offer quite a bit of machine relative to the price of the unit.
Performance | 12 |
Cost | 10 |
Build Quality | 12 |
Longevity | 10 |
Personal | 15 |
Total Score | 59 |
- Categorized: Appliances
My Review of the Speed Queen Top Load Washer
- Eugene Pallas
- Apr 18, 2017
- Comments: ( 4 )
Today Im going to review basically ALL of the Speed Queen top load washers. Speed Queen makes 3 different top load washers:
- AWN432SP113
- AWNE82SP113
- AWNE92SP113
Of course, all three of these machines are different, but from a mechanical standpoint, they are all basically identical. The 432 is the only washer that still has a basic, no frills, no computer, mechanical timer. The 8 and 9 series both have a electronic control board. (Actually 2 of them).
How I test them:
I physically buy these machines, take them home, and use them for at least 60 days, all the way up to 6+ months. I have children, and they get EVERYTHING dirty. Needless to say I have a never ending supply of dirty laundry.
The grading scale
The review:
Build quality
Personal opinion
Category | Score |
Performance | 12 |
Cost | 11 |
Build Quality | 19 |
Longevity | 18 |
Personal | 20 |
Total Score | 80 |
- Categorized: Appliance Reviews
- Tagged: AWN432SP113, AWNE82SP113, AWNE92SP113, Speed Queen reliability, speed queen review
Hello, my name is Eugene. Appliance reviewer, restorer, and repairer….
- Eugene Pallas
- Apr 18, 2017
- Comments: ( 1 )
In the world of appliances, it seems to be a difficult thing to find the best one. Which is more reliable? Best performance? Best price? Cost to repair? It can get pretty confusing. In the end, they are all just washing machines, right? Don’t they just clean clothes? Aren’t refrigerators just supposed to get cold?
Hopefully I can help.
About me:
I am a 34 year old with a beautiful wife and 2 daughters, ages 3, and 1. I live in century home just outside the city limits of Cleveland. I would consider myself to be just about average in every way except one thing: I have a weird obsession with appliances. Im fascinated with how they work, their design, and just how much of an impact they have on our lives. You may be able to go a week without a dryer (and just maybe), but can you go a week with no refrigerator? The answer is yes, you can, but it will completely change the way you live for that entire time.
Anyway, appliances are important. They are also expensive. Needless to say, you don’t want to but a $1500 fridge just to have it break down 1.5 years after purchase. ( and conveniently out of warranty). I have been tinkering with my appliances all of my life. I have been selling and servicing appliances since I was 18 years old. I am very talented at fixing them. I have a pretty extensive knowledge of just about all appliances made from the 80’s, all the way to the present.
Hopefully this blog will be helpful in making your decision on your next appliance purchase.
- Categorized: Appliances
- Tagged: eugene, intro, lorain furniture, owner
Kicking off the Blog with a beautiful restoration video of an antique Tappan gas stove!
- Eugene Pallas
- Apr 06, 2017
- Comments: ( 1 )
welcome to our blog!
We are Lorain furniture and Appliance located on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio in the historic Ohio City neighborhood. We have been in business for 27 years and are trusted to give you the best most knowledgeable service you deserve. First up we would like to invite you to watch the end of a restoration project we have taken on for a customer. She brought us in an old rusted Tappan stove and said she wanted to use it as her every day cook. We took on the challenge and made it shine like new AND added insulation to the stove to make it more reliable and safe. Check out this video to see the end result!
- Categorized: Vintage Appliances
- Tagged: antique stove, antique stove restoration, stove assembly, stove timelapse, tappan gas stove, timelapse, vintage stove